Friday 19 September 2014

Shadows and second posts

So hello...again...this is quite akward; I only made this blog for some school stuff (my teatchers agreed that this was something that they would make everyone do) and I am. Blogging about not really wanting to blog at all. Oh, the irony! But I've chosen to look at the bright side, (a.k.a BrightSideGirl) even though I sometimes just want to scream and call everything stupid and just be a total brat, I won't. "Always look at the bright side of life" isn't that what that wierd song says again?

But anyways; school stuff! Yeah, that's why I'm here. We are ment to post homework or projects and stuff like that here, and to begin it all with; these kinda "meh" photographies. The thing was; We were ment to use our phones to take photos of shadows....yeah, phones...I'm just like....gah...I'm not even going to point out how insanely ironic that is, when I am going to the best school in the entire Scandinavia when it comes to media and communication - which is where I go! We have like....I don't know...maybe twenty-some cameras or something, and still  they make us take these photos with our phones. Yeah.
But anyways, how much I can't stand taking photos with my phone, here are what I thought was the best of them;