Sunday 14 December 2014

The keys are low

Long time, no see....of course school is always to blame, right? In my case it's actually true; school everywhere, non stop! I feel like I'm being pulled in directions at once by everyone, and it's a bit painful. But to help you understand the title and what this post is really about;

We've been shooting some "low key" portaits in studio at school. (Look it up if you don't know what it means) I love low key photos to end of the world and back and so on and so on, and I really enjoyed shooting them too...but! There's always a but isn't there? Well the but in this story, is that a lot of people are very, VERY shy. None of them dared do anything but smile and hide their faces in front of the camera, which is pretty anyoing. Okay, okay, I'll give in a little and say that the guy that was my model, he tried. Maybe I wasn't clear enough or something, I don't know - but I did get some nice shots, I did. 

So this is the photo that I chose to use. I'm kind of happy with it, though i feel like he could've shown a liiittle more feelings.